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"Striving to get her Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Biology, Sarah spends most of her time crying about fictional characters instead of studying."


Writer, Enollams 'Nessie' Nestkin// @SarAlbright


"When Bryan is not working or finishing his Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering, he can be found reading (most likely Tolkein) or fantasizing about flying with dragons."

Writer, Ellwood Deeds// @BryanG103

"Charlie has a BA(Hons) degree in Drama as well as qualifications in script writing and academic research (specialising in gender representation). She's usually found working on a wide range of projects or napping (ok, mainly napping, but dragons need their rest)." 

Writer, World and Ensemble// @FrostFrmFire


Additional contributers//

"Amber is an aspiring artist, critter, and singer living in Utah. She enjoys crying about fandom."

Artist & Writer, Vermilion Jennings/Rebecca Dantes// @AmberSunsets


"When Lesley isn't reading books, she's selling them or buying them for the bookstore. She can be found in her natural habitat in front of the computer obsessing over D&D and fictional characters."

Writer, Alys Beaumont// @ilivedinacake



"Pete is the Royal Court Sorcerer and occasional Maths tutor. He can often be found reading a book, riding a bike, or making voices out of thin air (or listening to the ones in his head)"


Writer/Director for Strange Birds Audioplay// @PeteWhiz

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