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It began with one post on twitter and has just continued to grow and build (very occasionally out of control). Strange Birds is a creative experiment in collaborative story telling that has caused us to fall in love with an imaginary world. 


It's rough around the edges and combines dragons with a quasi-Victorian world but has inspired us over and over again. We wanted to share this project with our friends and hope that they will enjoy it too. 

We have plans in November to begin overhauling what we have so far and transforming it into a novel. More updates on this soon!


Thanks to all those who followed it on Twitter and continue to do so here. A massive thank you to Cake (Lesley) who has been a faithful friend and devoted reader - whose support has meant so much to us. She is our companion on this adventure and chief conspirator. 



Artwork: Bruised by @AmberSunsets

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